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Lipoidic Cells Ovary Cancer, Clinic Case and Literature Review
Pages 36-40
Arturo Novoa Vargas, Karla Sánchez Bautista and Ismael Coudillo Luna
Published: 31 January 2014

Abstract: Objective:Analyzed a case of woman with virilizan ovary tumor, where clinics manifestations made easy diagnosis of a anexial tumor producing masculine hormones with neoplastic thorax effusion and ascites. Specific tumoral serum marks for diagnosis, and posoperatory evolution. We made a medical prospective literature review.

Methods:We studied a female case 35 years old, with an androgenic malignity ovary tumor, Analysis was worked ina Regional General Hospital of a State of Mexico, Mexico last year. Prospective studying a tumor of the ovary, produces masculine hormones.

Discussion:Rare tumor, represents, almost 0.5% all ovarian tumors. It’s secrets masculine hormones; with broaden voice, acne, facial and corporal hair increased, large clitoris, androgenic calvicie patter. Those tumors grow in all age’s women groups, but usually in young women, almost is unilateral (95%). We show a clinical case of woman, 35 years old with androgenic dates, She carried out surgery for ovarian tumor. Histopathology report confirmed a malign ovary cordons sexual cells, with high malign grade compound, approximated 30 cm mayor diameter with integral capsule. Stage IC. Were used 6 cycles intravenous systemic chemotherapy. At present, her tumoral marks are negative and gradually have been disappeared androgenic clinical manifestations.

Conclusions:Rare malign ovary tumor, produces androgenic clinical manifestation. Grove up tumor marks like serum testosterone; cytorreductive surgery is cornerstone treatment. Prognosis disease is up to grade of cell differentiation and stage in surgical-pathological events. Five years survive in stage I, is approximate in 70 to 90% of cases.

Keywords: Lipoidic cells, virilizan, ovary cancer.
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