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The Management of Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction in Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer
Pages 102-105
Yervand S. Harutyunyan, Haykaz Y. Antonyan, Tigran Y. Antonyan, Lernik Y. Hambardzumyan and Sargis S. Gevorgyan
Published: 07 September 2015

Abstract: Objectives: To determine the optimal time to wait for urination ability restoration after urethral catheterization and anti – androgen treatment, in cases of acute urinary retention and advanced prostate cancer.

Methods: We enrolled 26 patients with histologically confirmed prostate cancer after transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate and CT or MRI proven advanced stages (T3-T4). We evaluated the dynamic changes of the following factors; IPSS, QoL, Vmax, residual urine, serum concentration of PSA at the following periods; before hormonal treatment, 1, 3 and 6 months after hormonal treatment.

Results: How long we have to wait after urethral catheter insertion and hormonal treatment for voiding ability restoration?

Our data analyses revealed the answer to this question. The dynamic changes of all the parameters (IPSS, QoL, Vmax, PSA) we studied disclosed interesting regularity. The consequent comparative analyses of parameters showed statistically significant changes only 1 month after anti – androgen treatment. These changes indicate that the prostate cancerous process is significantly suppressed within 1 month after hormonal treatment and there is no point to wait more than 1 month.

Conclusion: Analyzing our data we obtained versatile evidence, that in advanced prostate cancer and acute urinary retention cases the optimal time to wait for sufficient voiding is 1 month period after permanent catheter insertion and anti – androgen treatment.

Keywords: Non-small-cell lung carcinoma, EGFR, wild-type, erlotinib, second-line.
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