The Learning of Conceptual Categories for Students with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Manuel Ojea Rúa University of Vigo, Spain



Autism Spectrum Disorder, semantic memory, concepts, categories


This article presents a study where the overall objective is to measure any changes found as a result of the application of a program to facilitate the development of the semantic memory of people with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder, following the implementation of a specific program to facilitate the creation of conceptual categories.

The study, based on a quasi-experimental design, analyzes the effectiveness of the program designed around four cognitive variables, comparatively observed in three groups of participants (N:19), distributed across one experimental group (N:7) and two control groups (made up of 7 and 5 participants respectively), conducted over three successive measures, 1 pre-test and 2 post-test measures at 6-month intervals. The results, found by repeatedly testing measures of intra-subject effects, show the effectiveness of the designed program, as it has aided in the development of meaningful learning for the members of the experimental group.


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How to Cite

Rúa, M. O. . (2016). The Learning of Conceptual Categories for Students with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 4(2), 129–139.



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