Abuses and Distortions in Emotional Processes as Risk Factors for Parricide


  • Ignazio Grattagliano Section of Criminology, University “A. Moro” of Bari, Italy
  • Romy Greco Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Adjunct Professor of Social Psychology at the University LUMSA, Taranto – EDAS (Ente Diocesano Apostolato Sociale, Faculty of Educational Sciences), Italy
  • Giancarlo Di Vella Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Turin, Italy
  • Grazia Maria Corbi Department of Medicine and Health Science, University of Molise, Italy
  • Carlo Pietro Campobasso Department of Medicine and Health Science, University of Molise, Italy
  • Maria Carolina Romanelli Medical Doctor, Trainee in Legal Medicine, University “A. Moro” of Bari,
  • Alessio Ostuni Medical Doctor, Trainee in Legal Medicine, University “A. Moro” of Bari, Italy
  • Nicola Petruzzelli Juvenile Penal Institute "N. Fornelli” of Bari, Italy
  • Valeria Brunetti Psychologist
  • Rosalinda Cassibba Department of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Communication, University “A. Moro” of Bari, Italy




Parricide, abuses, emotions, violence, shame, anger


Parricide is a rare case of murder having a strong emotional impact on public opinion, especially when it is heinous and perpetrated by minors. Based on the analysis of the judicial files archived at the Minor Penal Institute "N. Fornelli" of Bari, the authors will report three impressive cases perpetrated by minors, by focusing on their emotional features. Differences between the crimes of parricide committed by adults and minors will be highlighted, by analyzing the peculiar relations between the problems underlying parricide and the role played by abuses and maltreatments experienced by minors perpetrating such crime. In particular, attention will be paid to the emotional processes aroused in minor parricide offenders.


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How to Cite

Grattagliano, I., Greco, R., Vella, G. D., Corbi, G. M., Campobasso, C. P., Romanelli, M. C., Ostuni, A., Petruzzelli, N., Brunetti, V., & Cassibba, R. (2015). Abuses and Distortions in Emotional Processes as Risk Factors for Parricide. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 4, 128–135. https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2015.04.13




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