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Inflammation and Cancer: Critical ViewPages 32-36

T.G. Shrihari


Published: 17 April 2018

Abstract: Inflammation is the physiological response to an injury, it could be chemical, thermal, physical and infectious for reparative activity to injury. Recent data suggest that chronic inflammation leads to cancer development. Inflammatory mediators released to surrounding environment due to inflammation by inflammatory cells acts as a defensive or offensive depends on secretion of chemical mediators of inflammation such as growth factors, cytokines activating various transcriptional pathways bring about cell proliferation, angiogenesis further leads to tumor growth. This article describe the role of inflammatory cells and its mediators to development of cancer, various underlying unanswered future challenge questions in association with inflammation and cancer.

Keywords: TLR, PAMPs, DAMPs, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, NF-KB, STAT-3, HIF-1α, TGF-β, Tumor associated macrophages, Tumor associated neutrophils.

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Journal of Analytical Oncology

Inflammation and Urothelial Bladder Cancer: What we Need to Known? (Review)
Pages 75-80
Tommaso Cai, Gabriella Nesi, Sandra Mazzoli, Francesca Meacci, Galliano Tinacci, Cesare Selli and Riccardo Bartoletti
Published: 13 May 2015

Abstract: The association between inflammation and bladder cancer has been debated in several studies, highlighting that inflammation may be a crucial component both in tumor development or progression. On the other hand, several authors suggest that the presence of an inflammatory cell infiltrate within the urothelial bladder cancer is a good prognostic predictor in terms of recurrence-free survival time. The question is: What is the prognostic role of inflammation in patients affected by urothelial bladder cancer? On one hand, chronic inflammation should be considered a risk factor in developing bladder cancer, as demonstrated by Schistosoma haematobium infection and, on the other hand, the inflammation induced by the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin intravesical therapy has a protective effect on cancer recurrence. Recently, some authors highlight that the presence of an inflammatory cell infiltrate within the urothelial bladder cancer is a good prognostic predictor in terms of recurrence-free survival time, due to the host generating angiogenic stimulation of a local inflammatory reaction against cancer. This is probably due to the angiogenetic stimulation of a local inflammatory reaction generated by the host against superficial bladder cancer. However, the debate is still open. This review will summarize recent data regarding inflammation and urothelial cell carcinoma, with special emphasis on the role that the inflammatory response is likely to have on recurrence risk and progression in superficial bladder cancer patients.

Keywords: Interleukins, bladder cancers, urothelial cancer, flogosis, inflammation.

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IQGAP2 Displays Tumor Suppression Functions
Pages 86-93
Yanyun Xie, Anil Kapoor, Hao Peng, Jean-Claude Cutz, Lijian Tao and Damu Tang
Published: 13 May 2015

Abstract: The IQGAP family consists of evolutionarily conserved scaffold proteins, IQGAP1, IQGAP2, and IQGAP3. IQGAP1 is 62 and 59% identical at the level of amino acid sequence to IQGAP2 and IQGAP3, respectively. IQGAPs possess the same domain structure with the individual motifs being highly homologous among IQGAPs. The conservation is even higher between IQGAP1 and IQGAP2. While the WW domain is 30% identical, other four motifs are 70 to 93% identical between both IQGAPs. Despite the high level identity, IQGAP1 and IQGAP2 display opposite impact on tumorigenesis. IQGAP1 is the most thoroughly examined, and clearly promotes cancer formation via its scaffold functions in facilitating the Raf-Mek-Erk and Wnt signalling. On the other hand, IQGAP2 is much less investigated and suppresses tumorigenesis. We will review the evidence that supports IQGAP2 reducing tumorigenesis, discuss its tumour suppression in the context of our updated knowledge on IQGAP1, and outline some future directions. Our emphasis will be placed on prostate cancer.

Keywords: IQGAP2, tumor suppression, Akt, hepatocellular carcinoma, gastric cancer, prostate cancer.

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Intracellular Zinc Excess as One of the Main Factors in the Etiology of Prostate Cancer
Pages 124-131
Vladimir Zaichick, Sofia Zaichick and Sinclair Wynchank

Published: 10 August 2016

Abstract: Numerous studies show that prevalence of prostate cancer (PCa) drastically increases with age, these malignant tumours are mainly formed in the peripheral zone of the prostate gland, and a high intake of red meat is associated with a statistically significant elevation in risk of PCa. The factors which cause all these well-specified features of the PCa are currently unclear. Here we describe one factor which can play an important role in etiology of malignant transformation of the prostate and is connected with the above-mentioned features of PCa. It is hypothesized that the prostatic intracellular Zn concentrations are probably one of the most important factors in the etiology of PCa. For an endorsement of our standpoint the estimation of changes of intracellular Zn concentrations over males’ lifespan was obtained using morphometric and Zn content data for the peripheral zone of prostate tissue, as well as Zn concentration in prostatic fluid. It was shown that the Zn concentrations in prostatic cells for men aged over 45 years are 10-fold higher than in those aged 18 to 30 years and this excessive accumulation of Zn may disturb the cells’ functions, resulting in cellular degeneration, death or malignant transformation.We hypothesize this excessive intracellular Zn concentration in cells of the prostate gland periphery has previously unrecognized and most important consequences, associated with PCa.

Keywords: Human prostate gland, peripheral zone, prostatic cells, prostatic fluid, zinc, histologicalparameters, age-related changes in human prostate, prostate cancer.
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Knowledge and Behavior of Women on Cervical Cancer in the Northern Region of Cameroon
Pages 125-130

Armel Herve Nwabo Kamdje, Georges Kalgong, Paul Takam Kamga, Richard Simo Tagne, Jeremie Mbo Amvene and Charlette Nangue

Published: 31 August 2017

Abstract: Background: Cervical cancer is a major cause of women death worldwide. The reduction of the mortality and morbidity of this pathology depends on the early detection based on powerful suitable screening methods, that will lead to optimal treatment strategies. However in some rural region of developing countries, it is very difficult to get access to standard screening methods, alternative screening methods, cheaper and easy to handle are then useful.

Objective: The aim of this work was to test the sensitivity and specificity of VIA (Visual inspection with acetic acid) and VILI (Visual inspection with lugol iodine) as a diagnostic test of cervical cancer compared to the Pap Smear, evaluating the feasibility in health formation in the North Cameroon region, of implementing epidemiological surveillance of cervical cancer based on early diagnosis using the VIA-VILI association

Method: 309 women age 20 to 62 years were recruited in this study, 307 were included in the statistical analyzes. Each woman was screened for cervical cancer by a conventional Smear and visual inspection with acetic acid 5% and the lugol solution.

Results: We found in our study a prevalence of precancerous lesions of cervix at 12.70%. The risks factors of cervical cancer identified are age, matrimonial status, age of first sexual intercourse and parity. The association of VIA and VILI showed a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value respectively about 93.58%; 97.01%; 82.01%, 99.04%.

Conclusion: Compared to PAP Smear, VIA or VILI could be used as an alternative screening methods for cervical cancer in developing countries, where it is difficult to access to more accurate test such as colposcopy and biopsy.

Keywords: Sensitivity, specificity, diagnosis, VIA-VILI, cervical cancer.
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