

Social Distrust Impact Analysis: Political Overview Competition Law - Pages 2413-2420

Evita Isretno Israhadi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.292

Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to reveal the contents of civil law regarding business competition and social lessons from the prohibition of unfair business competition (monopoly and other fraud) contained in Indonesian government policies. The research method used is qualitative content analysis with a normative juridical approach using the keyword 'Policy related to business competition.' The results of this study indicate two findings. First, Law No. 5/1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition is an implementation of the politics of business competition law in Indonesia. In principle, the politics of business competition law in Indonesia depends on the political will of the House of Representatives (DPR) as the legislative body together with the Government as the executive in making laws. Because Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition is not yet effective enough in creating fair business competition in Indonesia because, in substance, the Law still contains weaknesses in several articles that make the performance of the Business Competition Supervisory. The commission is not maximal. Second, government policies contained in the Civil Code, KUHP, Law no. 5 of 1984 concerning Provisions for Main Industries, Law no. 8/1995 concerning Capital Market, Law no. 9 of 1995 concerning Small Businesses, and Law No. 36 of Telecommunications provide important lessons regarding the prohibition of monopolies and fraudulent practices that can hinder the economy and equitable social welfare. The expected implication is that social learning from government policies in the field of law regarding deregulation, investment, and other policies aimed at supporting business competition can promote sustainable development, particularly in industry, small businesses, capital markets, and telecommunications.

Keywords: Business Actors, Business Competition, Legal Politics.



Social Forestry: The Balance between Welfare and Ecological Justice - Pages 71-78

Erina Pane, Adam M. Yanis and Is Susanto

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2021.10.10

Published: 18 January 2021

Abstract: Poverty and climate change mitigation are connected to each other, so one of the policies adopted by the Indonesian government is managing forests with social forestry schemes. Where social forestry aims at prospering the poor and preserve forests. A balance between the two is needed because it is not only part of forest land, but it also considers justice for the community to get prosperous rights and realize ecological justice. The dynamics of social forestry in Indonesia are characterized by policies and regulations, but in various regions, people have succeeded in increasing their welfare while making forests sustainable. It was concluded that social forestry builds ecological strategic values that guarantee the sustainability of forest functions managed by the community. It can succeed if policies and regulations in Indonesia provide legal certainty over the rights to community-managed forest land.

Keywords: Social forest, welfare, justice.



Social Portrait of the Family in the Light of New Socio-Political Trends - Pages 1507-1516

Nina A. Tkacheva, Lamara L. Mehrishvili and Lyudmila K. Gabisheva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.171

Published: 07 December 2020

Abstract: The issue regarding formation of a values-based attitude towards creating a family among modern youth is acquiring special relevance, since changes in moral guidelines have led to the intensification of negative phenomena such as: liberalisation of sexual morality, an increased number of divorces, illegitimate births, single-parent families, and the spread of social orphanhood. Due to the fact that the family is currently perceived as a structural component of the development of individual socio-economic trends, the purpose of the paper is to assess the levels of values-based attitudes towards family creation among students. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: diagnostic (questionnaires, the method of sentence completion, testing), that made it possible to identify the levels of formation of the attitude towards family creation among students; a theoretical method of analysis that allows a comprehensive study of the reasons that complicate the process of forming a values-based attitude regarding family creation. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that a student family is understood as a family in which both spouses are full-time students of a higher education institution, that is, homogeneous in social status of a man and a woman. This is a young family in which the spouses are no more than 28 years old, and the length of family life does not exceed 5 years. The paper indicates that student families are the most progressive, since spouses are ready to accept everything new - in the organisation of life, in the arrangement of the family structure, and the like. Material motives in choosing a spouse in such families play a secondary role, especially in relation to the requirements from a woman to a man. The materials of the paper are of practical value for experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for the family creation among students in extracurricular activities.

Keywords: Young family, values-based attitude, society, family life, student family.



Social Justice Based on Religious Forms of Prosociality in Russia - Pages 63-73 
Pavel A. Kislyakov, Elena A. Shmeleva, Sergey E. Sergeev and Sergey B. Kulikov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.07

Published: 26 March 2020

Abstract: This article shows the social and psychological aspects of the prosociality in Russia which help to see the ways to social justice forming. In Russia, under the influence of Christianity forms an approach to prosocial behavior as a mandatory element of public life. Objective of study is an identification of the peculiarities of prosocial manifestation in Russian people with different levels of religiosity in modern social and cultural conditions. This study is conducted on the base of the complex of methods, namely, The Scale of Altruism (SRA); Social Norms of Prosocial Behavior (SNPB); Index of Core Spiritual Experiences (INSPIRIT); Religious Orientation Scale (RSO). The sample consists of 221 people living in various Russian cities (38% of men, 62% of women) aged 20 to 66 years (M-39.8). As a result, the collected data and their evaluation and discussion help to support the idea that spirituality and citizenship have a regulatory influence on the prosocial motives of mercy, tolerance, and altruism.

Keywords: Prosocial behavior, social justice, religiosity, spirituality, tolerance, altruism.



Social Protests in 2011: International Perspective and Information Access- Pages 994-999

Lilia E. Ilikova and Anna Svirina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.107

Published: 06 November 2020

Abstract: The paper analyzes the interrelation of social protesting and informal economy, core values of protesting class and the level of information accessibility for the ones involved in social unease. To perform this analysis we have used both quantitative and qualitative data: qualitative data was related to the core values of protestants and was collected via semantic analysis of their social media posts. To perform quantitative evaluation, we have used the rankings on Internet freedom and mass media transparency; yet as the main analytical tool was semantic, the conclusion on how core values influence person’s desire to be involved in social protests was made on the basis of qualitative analysis. The research had confirmed that growth rate of informal economy is a good predictor of possible unease based on dignity-based values.

Keywords: Communication, information accessibility, Arab spring, social protests, Internet, social networking, Central Asia.
